The Beginner’s Guide to Cleaning Your Books
While the last post we did about caring for books focused on storing them properly and keeping them clean, what do you do if your volumes are already dirty? And what about leather-bound books? Here are a few general suggestions for cleaning the books in your library:
Visible dirt and dust isn’t just grody (technical term), it can degrade the paper and binding of the book and attract insects. Start by taking off the dust jacket and holding the book upside down (to prevent dirt from dropping into the pages). Use the soft-bristle attachment of a vacuum hose to remove the dust from the top edge of the book, which is now facing down. For more delicate pages, remove loose dirt with a soft, lint-free cloth, like a cut-up old t-shirt, or a very soft paintbrush. You can use those static cling cloths they sell at the grocery store, but make sure it’s not scented or dyed. If there is dirt in hard-to-reach spots on the book (like in a recess in a decorative cover), use a NEW, SOFT-BRISTLED toothbrush to get it out.
Absorene Book and Paper Cleaner
Absorene is a magical putty straight from the hands of the bookish angels. I’m only sort of kidding. It comes in a tub and has the consistency of slightly dry play-doh. You remove a small amount and warm it with your hands, then rub the ball in one direction on the pages of the book, or over a cloth bound cover. Its slight magic comes from its ability to remove film left by cigarette smoke, along with some of the smell. It will also remove surface dust, dirt, and smudges. If you’re using Absorene on a board cover and it isn’t working as well as you would like, try Clean Cover Gel, a petroleum-based gel used for cleaning and restoring board covers. Use a lint-free cloth, and only a small amount of the gel.
Oil Stains
Absorene should get rid of smoke smells and film, but if the book smells unpleasantly musty you can put it in a container with some unscented kitty litter or baking soda. Don’t let the substance touch the book. Close the container and leave it for up to two weeks, depending on the strength of the musty smell.
Leather Bindings
These are the basic steps for cleaning your books, and you should do so at least once a year- more often if the books are in a damp area, or a high-traffic area where there is a lot of dust and human/pet activity. The next post in this series will take on how to perform minor repairs to your books.
More Resources:
AbeBooks: Tips on Book Care
Absorene demonstration
Brodart Care of Books