START HERE, VOLUME 2: Now Available

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We’re excited to announce that our new book, Start Here, Volume 2: Read Your Way Into 25 Amazing Authors, is now available.

START HERE Vol. 2There are so many fantastic authors and great books out there that sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin. Start Here, Volume 2 solves that problem; it tells you how to read your way into 25 amazing authors from a wide range of genres–from classics to contemporary fiction to comics.

Each chapter presents an author, explains why you might want to try them, and lays out a 3- or 4-book reading sequence designed to help you experience fully what they have to offer. It’s a fun, accessible, informative way to enrich your reading life.

Each chapter is written with expertise and passion to help you get started reading authors you’ve always wanted to try.


Includes chapters on reading your way into:

Alan Moore

Anne Carson
Charles Portis
China Mieville
Colum McCann
Daniel Woodrell
Dave Eggers
David Mitchell
Dorothy Parker
Douglas Coupland
Flannery O’Connor
George Orwell
Isaac Asimov
James Salter
Jennifer Egan
John Green
John Steinbeck
Octavia Butler
Philip Roth
Roald Dahl
Salman Rushdie
Toni Morrison
Ursula K. LeGuin
Virginia Woolf
William Faulkner

Since we funded the book’s publication through Kickstarter, most of our costs were covered by pre-sales, so we’re able to sell the ebook for just $2.99 (in the US), and it’s available in the usual places: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, the iBookstore, and if they’re signed up with Kobo, your local independent bookstore. (And if you’re interested, you can pick up Start Here, Volume 1 here.)

We think you’re going to find it fun, useful, and informative. If you do, one thing that would be enormously helpful would be to rate/review it on Amazon, Goodreads, or really any sorta place that takes reviews and ratings of books. Since we put this together ourselves, letting people who might be interested know about it is our biggest challenge at this point, but we’re going to try our damndest.

Thanks so much to all of you who supported the project.


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