How To Romanticize Your Reading Life
Sometimes finding time to read feels really hard. Whether you’re caught in the middle of a slump, are bored with the book you’re reading, or feel completely paralyzed by indecision on what to read next, we’ve been there. Reading is supposed to be fun, so what do we do when it isn’t? How do you force yourself to read when it feels like a chore? Easy answer: romanticize your reading!
Does that sound like a cop-out? Okay, kinda. But I think spending time thinking about reading and figuring out how you read best is never a bad option. There are tons of ways that people read, and sometimes the idea of how you’re going to read can be just as exciting as what you’re going to read. By looking at how you picture the perfect reading session you can start to get excited to read just like that. Or, if you’re someone who likes to be flexible in your reading, figuring out when you’re in the mood for certain books or reading sessions can be a great step. It’s all about knowing yourself and your reading. Below are some questions you can ask yourself to find your reading style. By the end, you should have a good idea of where and how to read your next book.
Practical Reading Considerations
In order to romanticize your reading, sometimes you just have you figure out how you read best. So, let’s start there.
Are you a seasonal reader?
Do you like reading books about Christmas in December, and horror books in October? Are you a hoarder of beach books until the summer comes? If you are, that’s great to know about yourself. You can start to plan your TBR pile seasonally. Pick books that fit the time of year, don’t feel bad if you don’t get to them that year. Part of being a seasonal reader is accepting that if you don’t get to the latest New Year’s Eve romance book by New Year, that it’s okay to shelve it until next year.
What was/is your favorite way to study?
If you went to/are in school you might have a preferred way of studying. For people who know how to work/study well, apply that your fun reading. If you do your best work in the library, why not head that way next time you want to read for fun? By knowing how you concentrate best, you can get yourself immersed in your next favorite book! This is especially helpful if you’re a lover of the dark academia aesthetic.
Do you work well under deadlines?
If it’s helpful to set a date to have your read done by, do it! Listen, sometimes in order to get to romanticizing your reading, you have to actually read. Setting a goal can help get you where you need to go when it comes to reading. But remember, if you miss the goal don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s all about the balance.
And Now, for the Romance…
Now that we have some practical concerns out of the way we can focus on the actual act of beginning to romanticize your reading. Let us begin.
If you were the main character of a movie, what would a shot of you reading look like?
It’s great to think about what you want the actual act of reading to look like. Are you a messy bun, wearing PJs in bed kind of reader? Or are you mysterious and reading while riding the train while it rains kind of reader? You can go as simple or as out there as you want. We don’t want to recreate a movie scene every time we read, but having an idea of what the ideal setup is can make us feel motivated.
Take Yourself on a Date With Your Book
If you have never had a book date, I highly recommend it. Have fun with it! Plan to go to a fancy coffee shop, dress up a little, and put your phone in airplane mode! While on the date, get yourself a tasty pastry, feel super adorable, and have a blast reading a book. This is the best method to get out of a reading slump. Romance yourself and read a great book.
Pick your Next Book Ahead of Time and Let the Excitement Build
Pick a book that you want to read next and put it somewhere you’ll see it often. Every time you pass it, spend a little moment with it. Smile at it, think good thoughts, pick it up, read the back, break the spine. Whatever that moment is for you enjoy it. Now, as soon as you feel a little rush of excitement, it’s time to read it. Building excitement is a great way to fall in love with reading again. Even looking at a book wistfully as you pass by is a great way to start to romanticize it in your head. Now when you read it, it will feel extra special.
Spend a Full Day With a Book
Perhaps my favorite thing to do in the world is spending a day with a book. First, go to your favorite bookstore in the morning. Have fun with it, get a coffee, wear your favorite sweater. Then spend time wandering around until you find the book for the day. For this to work you are only allowed to buy one book, so be prepared for that. Once you have the book of the day, go somewhere to read it. It can be a park, the train home, a local Starbucks, wherever. After you’ve read the first couple of chapters, head back home and try to finish the book that day. Once the book is finished, find it a home on your shelves. Having a day like this even as little as once a year is a great way to romanticize your reading life.
Reread Your Favorite Book
My last tip for romanticizing your reading is to reread. I fully believe that rereading a book you love so much is key to romanticizing your reading. It’s the perfect way to remind yourself why you love reading. You might catch things you didn’t notice before, and you already know you’ll love the book.
While I know that you can’t always read in your ideal situation, planning time when you can is a great way to get started romanticizing your reading. Figure out some practical things about your reading style, then figure out the more idealistic aspects. By blending the practical every day with the whimsy of a book date, you’re sure to fall in love with reading again.
But, before we go I have one last surprise tip.
Let Go of “Should” When Reading
I know, there’s a lot of books that we all feel like we “should” be reading. And I’m not saying to never read those or ignore them completely. But remember that the best way to romanticize your reading is to balance the “should reads” with the “want to reads.” You’ll be loving reading again in no time.