Show and Tell: Rioter Reading Places

The staff here at Book Riot love to talk about books – but we wouldn’t know so much about them if we didn’t spend some time reading them! Here’s a peek at a few of the places where we put the books in our brains. And please leave a comment letting us where you like to read!

Name: David Abrams
Location: Butte, M.T.
Where I read: The bathroom–whether it’s a stall in the employee restroom at work or a porta-potty in the middle of the Iraqi desert, it doesn’t matter.  I love the solitude and the serenity (depending on what I ate the night before) that comes with just me, a porcelain bowl, and a book.  This particular bathroom is on the second floor of our home and it’s where I do most of my early-morning reading.  The vintage “ride” sign above the toilet was my wife’s idea of a joke.

David Abrams reading places


Name: Jeremy Anderberg

Location: Denver, C.O.
Where I read: My nook comes with everything you could need for a perfect afternoon of reading: bookshelf loaded with favorites, Keurig, small lamp, ugly (but unbelievably comfortable) brown chair, and a Frankenstein Postertext looking over my shoulder.



Name: Tasha Brandstatter
Location: Colorado
Where I read: Outside! As Cicero once said, “If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” And also a puppy.



Name: Becky Cole
Location: Washington, D.C.
Where I read: A wide, comfy chair with a cheerful pillow, appropriately bookish blanket, and convenient footrest, right next to a sunny window. It’s also where I was sitting (and what I was doing) when my then boyfriend asked me if I would marry him.

Becky's reading chair


Name: Rachel Cordasco
Location: Madison, W.I.
Where I read: Comfy couch corner: It’s the perfect place to sink in and lose myself in a book. The window there and the grandfather clock ticking away in the background make it a peaceful little corner.



Name: Brenna Gray
Location: Vancouver, B.C.
Where I read: This location is perfect because it’s the sunniest part of our apartment, fireplace adjacent, and within a flailing arm’s reach of our biggest bookshelf.  The chair is ridiculously overstuffed and perfect for impromptu naps. And, let’s face it: happiness is a warm cat.



Name: Rachel Smalter Hall
Location: Lawrence, K.S.
Where I read: We just moved into our first house this spring, and I’m psyched finally to have my own little library. It has a scruffy velour chair, a chevron-patterned futon, artwork by friends, slanty bookshelves organized by color, and KITTEHS.



Name: Liberty Hardy
Location: Portsmouth, N.H.
Where I read: Behold, the mighty book tower! This room has stacks of books, floor to ceiling, along all the walls. It’s where I spend all my time sopping up books with my brain-bread. This is one of my cats, Steinbeck. He likes to stare at me while I read. He’s probably concerned about the smoke that comes out of my ears.



Name: Rebecca Joines Schinsky
Location: Richmond, V.A.
Where I read: When the day’s work is done, or when I just need a break, I can be found here, in my reading nook. Located in a corner of my living room, it faces away from the TV (one must do everything one can to prevent distraction) and gives me everything I need: a comfy chair, a table on which to rest my glass of wine, and a view of favorite bookshelves. I can’t think of a better place to unwind or spend a lazy Saturday afternoon.

reading nook


Name: Rita Meade
Location: Brooklyn, N.Y.
Where I read: This is a bench in a little park not too far from the library in which I work. It’s not the fanciest of reading spots, nor the most comfortable, but it’s one of the only places where I can find some peace (if not quiet) to read on my breaks.



Name: Cassandra Neace
Location: Houston, T.X.
Where I read: My favorite reading spot is a big, comfy leather chair and ottoman. I usually have a cat perched on the back of the chair, reading over my shoulder. Directly across from the chair is just one of a few bookshelves and a few bookish pieces of art.



Name: Casey Peterson
Location: The Graywolf Press warehouse, Minneapolis, M.N.
Where I read: One day, from who knows where, this comfy chair appeared in our warehouse. I like to sneak down here and read on my lunch break. In fact, I finished a book here today!



Name: Johann Thorsson
Location: Iceland
Where I read: My absolute favorite place to read is in the tub, with a nice cold beer by my side.



Name: Greg Zimmerman
Location: Chicago, I.L.
Where I read: Some dudes have man caves. I have a Book Room. The walls of this room are lined with bookshelves, and in the corner, I read in this comfy chair, a reading lamp over my shoulder, watched closely by concert posters.

Photo Oct 15, 4 42 20 PM





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