The Magical Book Art of Malena Valcárcel
I know that every time we feature book art there is some degree of outcry about desecration and book murdering, but I think any book would be honored by the chance to be transformed into something new by the hands of artist Malena Valcárcel.
Valcárcel collects discarded books and transforms them into nightlights, wall hangings, jewelry, headbands, and sculptures of unbelievable beauty. She says she loves to work with materials as “lost, found and forgotten” and describes her work as “for people who are also a little lost, found and forgotten.”
This one is called “Into the Unknown” and I’m a little obsessed with it.
This little treehouse sculpture doubles as a night light: the little house has a light inside! Either that, or there are fairies living in it.
This one is a ring in the form of a tiny paper house bursting with love. Look at the impossibly tiny windows and doors! I’m not actually sure how wearable this is, but it’s so cute I can’t even care. It reminds me a little bit of the house from Up, which both delights me and makes me want to cry because that movie breaks my heart.
The use of color in this one blows me away. It has such an almost Suessian or Alice in Wonderland feel to it. I also love that it’s next to a vase full of paper flowers. I hope this artist’s house is as full of book sculptures as I’m imagining it is.
What do you think of Valcárcel’s book art? Which sculpture would you chose if you could only have one?
All images via Malena Valcárcel’s Etsy store. Be warned: some of the piece I featured above are from her sold gallery. Check the listing before you fall in love.
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