Book Riot: The Podcast

The Book Riot Podcast is a weekly news and talk show about what's new, cool, and worth talking about in the world of books and reading, brought to you by the editors of Book Riot.

Episode 32 We Are the Jerks

This week, Rebecca and Jeff talk about the best books of 2013, post-Nobel Alice Munro sales, the national library of Norway's 30-year project, the lack of diversity among New York Times Bestselling authors, how important libraries are to Americans, and more. This week's episode is sponsored by and Call of the Herald by Ben Rathbone.

Episode 31 The Magical Journey of Hmmmm

This week, Jeff and Rebecca talk about Amazon drones, young people's stated preference for print books, Goodreads Readers' Choice Awards, and our pick for Person of the Year in Publishing. This week's episode is sponsored by Terminology and

Episode 30 The Nerdiest of Elves

This week, Jeff and Rebecca take a break from the news to talk about what books to give as gifts this holiday season. They answer listener recommendation requests, give general recommendations, and even give recommendations for each other. This episode is sponsored by Random House's 2013 Holiday Guide.

Episode 29 Back on the Meat

This week, Jeff and Rebecca talk about the National Book Awards, Italian literary TV competitions, ebook sales statistics, DRM-free audiobooks, new books, non-fiction backsliding, and more. This week's episode is sponsored by Swoon Reads and

Episode 28 Vicarious Book Porn

This week, Jeff and Rebecca talk about the idea of a Hunger Games theme park, a huge book deal, bookstore road trips, Derek Jeter as publisher, Amazon publishing numbers, E.L. James next book (?), and much more. This week's show is sponsored by Swoon Reads and Fangasm by Katherine Larsen and Lynn S. Zubemis.

Episode 27 Did Done Did Big Data

This week, Jeff and Rebecca talk about Amazon trying to get independent bookstores to sell Kindles, ereader accessability, the myth of female-dominated YA authorship, Mackenzie Bezos' 1-star review, an inside look at the Booker Prize process, new books, and more. This week's episode is sponsored by Swoon Reads and Fangasm by Katherine Larsen and Lynn S. Zubemis.

Episode 26 That’s Verbatim, Baby

This week, Rebecca and Jeff talk about the launch of Kindle Matchbook, FAA loosening device restrictions, underrated novels, JJ Abrams' new book, Margaret Mitchell's flaming dress, and much more. This episode is sponsored by and Swoon Reads.

Interlude 1 Neil Gaiman

We interrupt our normal podcast format to bring you a special midweek installment. This is an interview Book Riot's own Edd McCracken did with Neil Gaiman recently at the Edinburgh Book Festival. A little something from one of our great fabulists for Halloween.

Episode 25 Deliciously Awkward

This week, Jeff and Rebecca talk about ALLEGIANT backlash, the health benefits of reading, the history of publishing, and much more. This episode is sponsored by Squarespace and If I’d Known You Were Coming by Kate Milliken.

Episode 24 Our Mutual Crush

This week, Jeff and Rebecca talk about recent literary prizes, book-loving Iceland, patron-driven library acquisition, self-published literary erotica, Meg Ryan as book editor, new books, and more. The show this week is sponsored by Squarespace and If I’d Known You Were Coming by Kate Milliken.