
Introducing Hey YA: Our New Podcast About All Things YA Lit

We did the thing! We did the thing!

We’re finally launching a podcast here at Book Riot that’s dedicated to all things young adult literature. Hey YA is a biweekly show, hosted by me, Kelly Jensen, and YA experthusiast Eric Smith. Each episode will run about 40 minutes and highlight everything new, exciting, and interesting in the world of Young Adult books.


You can tune into episode one here, where we’re talking about everything from the way we’d prefer to see an all-female Lord of the Flies remake to be done to the books we’re most eager to read this fall. Eric and I also dig into what the heck a “YA” book is anyway, since we know that is a question worth over 50 years of debate.

Hey YA is available on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, and right here on Book Riot. Give it a try and spread the word to fellow YA lovers or those you hope will convert. We’d love to not only hear what you think, but we’d love to help you find excellent YA books, too, so feel free to shoot us an email anytime at heyya@bookriot.com.

Thanks for listening & we hope you have as much fun as we do!