
How To Gift An Audible Book To Your Book-Loving Loved Ones

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People know I’m a book lover. Books are a go-to gift for most of my friends and family, which is great. As an avid audiobook listener, sometimes I wish they knew how to gift an Audible book to me. This way I could listen to them while doing the dishes or walking the dog instead of carving out big chunks of time to whittle down my stacks.

Audio books make great gifts because you don’t even have to leave your house to get them! They keep the stacks from growing while making your “Read” list on Goodreads even longer. We’ve already covered how to gift Kindle books. Now you have an easy guide to throw at loved ones on how to gift an Audible book as well.

For those of you who don’t already subscribe to Audible, there is only one way to gift audiobooks. It might look a little confusing at first. You have to go through Audible Gift Center. When you get there, it gives you the option to gift someone a membership for 3 months, 6 months, or a year.

If you are purchasing for someone who already had an Audible account, this means you can give them 3, 6, or 12 additional credits to use. One credit equals one audiobook. If the person you are purchasing for doesn’t have a membership, then this gift allows them all the perks of membership for the duration of the gift you buy. Win, win! This is the only gifting option Audible offers at the time of the writing of this article.

For those of you who are already members, the gift giving options are the same. You can use the above link, or you can navigate through your account. First log into Audible with your username and password. Then hover your cursor over your account at the top of the page and continue on the drop down menu to the fourth option “Gift Center.” This will take you to the same three membership options of 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months. Unfortunately, there’s no way to buy or give gifts through the Audible app.

Wondering where you can buy Audible gift cards? You can’t at this time. You also can’t buy gift cards for Audible through Amazon.

Warning! Do not go to Amazon and search for Audible gift cards! You’ll get an option that looks legitimate but will only take you back to the Audible website instead of the Gift Center. But never fear! We’re going to give you the option for a free trial on us.

So that’s it! The link above will take both members and non-members to the right place to purchase memberships for the audiophile in your life. Not sure if your favorite book lover is ready for an Audible membership commitment? We have tips on how to share your Audible account.