
Grown-Up Coloring Books Based on Novels

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Hey, hey, hey! Coloring book time again, or “colouring” when I feel jaunty. The grown-up coloring craze continues to crank away, and we’re seeing more and more of these gems pop up with a novel (or series), as their origin. Several new coloring books perfectly suited to book lovers have come out lately or are lingering on the horizon. Hopefully you’ll find something that satisfies your coloring and fandom urges.


The Official A Game of Thrones Coloring Book by George R.R. Martin and Bantam is here! Get your red markers and colored pencils ready! Personally, I hope these coloring pages are slightly less graphic than what we find in the actual books and television show.


The Outlander Coloring Book by Diana Gabaldon, also from Bantam, is newly-released and is, naturally, based on the books and the Starz television series. I shan’t pass up coloring these characters. Not to mention the richness of the Scottish Highlands.

Harry Potter Coloring Book

Harry Potter Coloring Book from Scholastic releases on November 10, 2015. While this one is not considered an adult coloring book (it’s for ages 8+), no one can tell this grown colorer to step away from the book. I shall have it, and rest assured there are more of these books coming out in 2016. So far Harry Potter Creatures, Harry Potter Magical Places and Characters, and Harry Potter Artifacts have been announced and are available for pre-order.

sherlock coloring book

Sherlock: The Mind Palace: A Coloring Book Adventure by Mike Collins releases at the beginning of November 2015 from Harper Design. Benedict Cumberbatch + coloring = win.

tolkiens world coloring book

Tolkien’s World: A Colouring Book is available November 12, 2015 from Bounty Books. When I was ruffling away looking for new releases, there was no way I could skip over something Tolkien-related. Out of all the magical worlds I can think of, I definitely would not want to miss coloring Middle Earth.