Giveaway Finalist #2: Outlandish Stories from the Dating Scene
Sally P. was selected as a finalist in our Outlandish Stories from the Dating Scene giveaway, sponsored by Gotham Books and Girl Walks Into a Bar. The winner will be the one whose entry reposted on BookRiot.com gets the most Facebook “likes” by 11:59PM EDT, Friday, April 27. The ONLY way to vote is to click the Facebook “Like” just above this text on BookRiot.com.
Once in college, after I had passed my economics class, my (former) professor asked me out. He was about 10 years my senior. I accepted thinking we could discuss the feasibility of establishing a barter bank in the area. He pulled up in a van (this was in the 70s, mind you) with an interior of shag carpeting and a mattress. Neither one of us had the evening we thought we would have.