
Giveaway: $100 American Express Gift Card

Ready for our next giveaway? Ok, this time its $100 in the form of an American Express gift card. It’s the Swiss Army Knife of book lover giveaways. Spend it at your local indie. Download some audiobooks. Make a trip to the used bookstore. Basically, it’s $100 toward whatever your bookish heart desires.

To enter, give one of our newsletters a try. Don’t like it, unsubscribe. No harm done.

Few other quick things: one entry per email address, open until May 31st at 11:59pm Eastern time. Open internationally. Winner will receive email with digital gift card in the amount of $100 U.S.


Ok, here are the newsletters you have to choose from for this one:

Book Riot Deals (daily-ish)
Everyday we scour the internet for the best ebook deals (and the occasional print deal) and send it out in an email. Just one pick from us of something we think worth mentioning. And if we don’t find anything interesting, we don’t send an email that day. You can browse recent selections here.

The Riot Rundown (3x per week)

This is the best of Book Riot. Three times a week, we send you an email rounding up our best stuff, from lists to opinion to news to humor. Probably the easiest way to keep up with what’s going on around here.

Book Riot Promotions (weeklyish)
Find out about special offers (like this giveaway for example), new products, and just generally interesting stuff from Book Riot and our advertising partners. Giveaways, new books, bookish services, and a whole bunch more.

Alright, details managed. Here’s the entry form: