Tell Us Your Fears and We’ll Recommend a Book To Make Them Worse
What are you afraid of? Everyone is afraid of something. Or many somethings. But hypothetically, if you had to pick one thing, what would it be? See a ghost or be buried alive? Be buried alive or swim with sharks? Swim with sharks or be covered in snakes? These are fun — and frightening — things to think about. And great distractions! Horror, as a genre, is more popular than ever these days, that’s because many people enjoy being scared. Not just being scared but being taken away from the realities of the world, which are scary enough. This is why we want to help you distract yourself with this horror quiz by having you tell us your fears, and we’ll recommend a book to make them worse!
Reading is fun, educational, and entertaining. And it’s a great escape from our daily problems. So why not use books to scare yourself silly? That will take your mind off other things. Go ahead — frighten yourself! We’re not your mom; we’re not going to hold your hand. So, are you ready to be scared? Just answer these several questions about the things that scare you, and receive a recommendation for a great book that will not alleviate your fears in the least. You’re welcome.
Here’s a List of All the Books Included In This Quiz:
Drowning by T.J. Newman
If you have a fear of flying, this novel won’t help to calm those fears. AT ALL. Not only does the plane crash right after takeoff, but it sinks into the ocean with passengers still trapped on board.
The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones
Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions. The friends in this book were involved in something bad when they were younger, and now it has come back to bite them in the butt. And by “bite them in the butt,” we mean “murder them horribly.”
Whalefall by Daniel Kraus
Are you afraid of things in the water? Then imagine being accidentally swallowed by an eighty-foot whale and having only one hour of oxygen left. Maybe stick to the shallow end.
Boys in the Valley by Philip Fracassi
If you maybe watched The Exorcist one too many times, and you’re worried about demons taking over your body, then pick up this book. It’s like a plague of evil, hopping from one victim to the next.
The Hatching by Ezekiel Boone
Spiders. Lots of them. Skittering and crawling with their eight legs and bazillions of eyes. Slowly climbing over you while you sleep. Taking over the whole planet. Need we say more?
The Good House by Tananarive Due
It may be called The Good House, but whatever is inside it is bad, bad, bad. If you’re scared of the past lingering in your home, pick this one up.
Clown in a Cornfield by Adam Cesare
Many, many people are afraid of clowns. And how do you think that makes the clowns feel? Sad. And bad. Real bad. As in, “murder a whole bunch of people” bad.
American Predator: The Hunt for the Most Meticulous Serial Killer of the 21st Century by Maureen Callahan
If your biggest fear is straight-up being murdered by a serial killer, you will be terrified by this true story of one of the most frightening humans to ever live.
Bad Cree by Jessica Johns
Do you have nightmares? Imagine if they started to come true. That’s what happens in the novel, where a woman starts manifesting things she dreams about — like dead birds.
Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Vampires are a long-held source of fear and fascination. Imagine if these bloodsuckers overran your town. Or worse, if you had to join forces with one to save yourself. It’s a good thing vampires aren’t real…right?