The Book Riot Podcast, #58: Library Barnacles
The Book Riot Podcast, Episode #58: Library Barnacles
This week, Jeff and Rebecca talk about Oyster coming to Android, publishers going to jail, kids’ summer reading habits, getting into trouble for having a Little Free Library, what happens when your book has the same title as Stephen King’s, new books, and much more. This episode is sponsored by How to Tell Toledo From the Night Sky by Lydia Netzer and Audible.
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Links discussed in the show:
George R.R. Martin to name character after Facebook employee who donated 20K to wolf rescue
Six publishers volunteer for overnight in jail as part of fundraiser for prisoners’ access to books
Reading is Fundamental survey shows only 17% of parents place reading as top priority during summer
Judge declares Sherlock Holmes officially in public domain
Kickstarter for NYC MOBY-DICK marathon
Canadian writer shares book title with Stephen King, hilarity ensues
Leawood, KS man facing citation for putting a Little Free Library up in his yard
The Healthy Profits of Traditional Publishers
Demand for The Silkworm forces Amazon to back down
New books discussed in the show:
The Fever by Megan Abbott
The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling)
Paperback: Longbourn by Jo Baker, The Lowland by Jhumpa Lahiri
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