Turn of the Corkscrew: A Place for Books. (And Wine!)
Nestled in a house turned bookstore in Rockville Centre, NY, Carol Hoenig and Peggy Zieran have created a home for the local community of book lovers with Turn of the Corkscrew Books & Wine.
This bookstore doubles as a wine bar that also offers paninis, sandwiches, soup, and other eats along with beer, coffee, tea, and soft drinks.
You want books? They’ve got books.
Additionally, they support visual artists with a lower level gallery. April 2018’s artist of the month is Rosemarie Tunkel.
You want events? They’ve got events. In addition to offering space for groups like the Toastmasters International to meet, Turn of the Corkscrew gets into books from the ground up with an Adult Writers Workshop.
They also host a kids’ book discussion because kids need to talk books, too! Recently Jen Calonita visited to read and chat about her Fairy Tale Reform School series.
Sara Varon, author of New Shoes, and John Patrick Green, author of Hippopotamister, also spent some time with young readers.
Sometimes Turn of the Corkscrew teams up with Molloy College to host interviews with authors at Madison Theatre. They did so when Adriana Trigiani came by to discuss her epic novel Kiss Carlo.
Another author you may know is Kathie Lee Gifford who stopped in to talk about her spiritual journey in her book The Rock, The Road, and The Rabbi: My Journey Into the Heart of Scriptural Faith and the Land Where It All Began.
Coming for a visit soon is Jane Green, the author of seventeen New York Times bestsellers, including The Sunshine Sisters.
In 2016, Turn of the Corkscrew teamed up with Poets In Nassau, a poetry group I founded about a decade ago, for a year-long series entitled Writers Raise A Glass. Once a month, we featured two to three writers from different genres.
These writers included:
Christine Stoddard, author of Hispanic & Latino Heritage in Virginia; Denis Gray, author of Benny’s Last Blast!!; Aida Zilelian, author of The Legacy of Lost Things; Vicki Iorio, author of Poems from the Dirty Couch; Peter V. Dugan, current Nassau County Poet Laureate and author of The Prowess of Immodest Emptiness;Tony Iovino, author of Notary Public Enemy; Pramila Venkateswaran, author of Slow Ripening; Jen Fitzgerald, author of The Art of Work; Barbara Novack, author of J. W. Valentine; Kimberly Jackson Tesseract ; and Gayl Teller, former Nassau County Poet Laureate and author of Hidden In Plainview.
The store’s commitment to writers and readers of all ages makes it such a special place. If you find yourself in Rockville Centre, drop by, grab a drink, and cozy up with a good book.
If you find yourself elsewhere, be sure to check out Book Riot’s other Bookish Places!