Trisha Brown

Trisha Brown grew up in Washington State and moved to Washington, DC, to work on programs that support vulnerable families. She decided to take a break in 2019, so now she’s traveling around the United States learning about different places and communities. She plans to return to her life in DC eventually, but for now she can be found chatting with people in bars and parks, catching up on sleep, and trying to keep herself from buying more books than her car and budget can handle. Find her on Instagram (@trishahaleybrown) or Twitter (@trishahaleybrwn).

Romance Novels that Deal with Grief

Romance can be light, just as much as it can take on heavier topics like grief and still have a happily ever after.

Everything I Know About Hockey, I Learned From Romance Novels

One reader takes all of her knowledge of fictional hockey and applies it to an NHL playoff game.

A More Inclusive Happy Ending: Romance Novels That Diversify the Classics

These diverse romance retellings demonstrate that telling a more inclusive version of a classic makes it even more worthy of a new audience.

THE BOY, THE MOLE, THE FOX AND THE HORSE is an International Phenomenon. It’s Partly Because of People like Me.

One reader reflects on why a picture book with messages about love, perseverance, and imperfection has connected with so many readers in the last two years.

In with DNF-ing, Out With Real World Settings: Results From the WHEN IN ROMANCE Listener Survey

Listeners to the When In Romance podcast shared the ways their romance reading changed during the pandemic, sometimes in surprising ways.

Read Harder: A Romance Starring a Single Parent

Child-free people aren't the only ones getting swept off their feet--check out these romances about single parents for the 2020 Read Harder Challenge.

If Indie Bookstores Want to Be Inclusive, They Need to Highlight Romance

One reader traveling the USA this year sees a common trait among too many indie bookstores: no romance books.

50 Must-Read Romances Published in the 2010s

Add these 50 must-read backlist romances from the 2010s to your TBR. These HEA titles aren't old enough to be classics. Yet.

7 Things I Learned From Sorting, Packing, and Storing my Books

It starts with sorting--and then resorting--but boxes matter too. Here are 7 book packing tips from someone who learned the hard way.

Read Harder 2019: An Historical Romance by an Author of Color

Reading Harder in 2019? Dive into a far more fun version of history class with any one of these historical romances by an author of color.

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