Erin Mayer

Erin Mayer is a writer and editor specializing in personal essays and musings about face creams that probably won't cure her anxiety (but hey, it's worth a shot). Her work has appeared on Bustle, Literary Hub, Man Repeller, Business Insider, and more. She spends her free time drafting tweets she never finishes and reading in front of the television. Find her at

15 Instagram Poetry Accounts To Follow For Inspiration

Instagram is great for many things. I personally use it to keep up with high school classmates I didn’t even ...

The Closest Thing I Have to a Diary is an Old Copy of PREP

I’m supposed to be keeping a diary. If you want to write, you have to journal, that’s what people always say. ...

My Library Card Made Me Less of a Picky Reader

How the reading habits of a library latecomer changed, and expanded, upon gaining access to that most cherished bookish item: a library card.

8 Home Library Apps To Keep Your Book Collection Organized

Home library apps make it easy to organize your book collection so you always know exactly what books are on your shelves.

I Read At Parties Sometimes And That’s Okay

Have you ever used books as a social crutch? And do you feel apologetic about it, or are you glad to have it, regardless of outside opinions?

What Rereading THE YEAR OF MAGICAL THINKING Taught Me About Grief and Love

A reader returns to Joan Didion's THE YEAR OF MAGICAL THINKING after experiencing grief and love, and finds new meaning on the page.