
A Harry Potter Holiday Gift Guide

It’s the best time of year! Time to binge watch cheesy Hallmark movies, stuff your face with cookies and cheese, and bust out some Harry Potter Christmas ornaments!

My best friend made me a set of felt HP character ornaments a few years ago, and they still make me smile my face off upon taking my box of ornaments out of the closet each year. Inspired by this feeling of happiness, I wanted to research what other Harry Potter holiday delights exist out there. Per usual, the Harry Potter fandom totally did not let me down.


(Thanks again, Sam!)

The options for ornaments beyond beloved ones handmade by friends are practically limitless. If you want to get personal, you can add your photo to a Hogwarts crest ornament, including Hogwarts in general or that of your specific house, although for some reason the Harry Potter Shop these come from only offer Slytherin and Gryffindor. IT’S FINE, HARRY POTTER SHOP. Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws are used to being ignored.

Hallmark also puts out an official Harry Potter Keepsake Ornament each year, although apparently they either only manufacture a small number of them or some bastards buy them all out to sell for all the moneys, because the only way to get this year’s is to shell out $45 at Amazon. Which is unfortunate, because this year’s is  Hogwarts Castle, and it plays Hedwig’s Theme, which is amazing.


Speaking of Hedwig’s Theme, one remarkable family organized their outdoor lighting display to flash in time to it, which is this magical thing people do that I do not understand at all, but maybe you’ll find it inspiring.


While there aren’t any specific Harry Potter merchandised Christmas lights (yet), if you’re going all out, I might also suggest buying lights to string around your home that are aligned with your favorite Hogwarts house. Maybe twirl some red around some yellow? It’s not the perfect maroon and gold, but, close enough.


(Comic by Josh Gaines)

And who needs an ugly Christmas sweater, when you can buy a Harry Potter Happy Christmas shirt or hoodie? The seller of this fantastic shirt, Rydiachacha, also has many more selections in her shop, including Ron’s “R” Christmas sweater. Although to be clear, it’s also just available as a shirt or hoodie, not a sweater. If you want a Ron or Harry Christmas sweater in ACTUAL monogramed sweater form, you can fork over some more dough for it from SewEcological on Etsy.


We all know that pretty much anything holiday related is an excuse to drink, so why not carry your eggnog and firewhiskey in a Polyjuice Potion flask? And when it comes to the eating, you can totally buy some Harry Potter cookie cutters.


Sure, you can send out holiday cards with pictures of you and your family on them, yet again, OR, you can send these adorable “Take the Floo to Santa’s Workshop” cards by AliciaMB on Red Bubble. (To cross fandoms for a moment, AliciaMB also has some amazing Doctor Who cards, and probably whatever else nerdy thing tickles your fancy.) Whatever cards you use, if you’re ready to mail them out, don’t forget to buy the USPS limited edition Harry Potter stamps that were just released.



I’d lastly remind you that it’s cold out there, and you should probably wear your Harry Potter scarf, but please. Do you ever really need reminding to wear your Harry Potter scarf?


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