Book Riot Live: A Reading Challenge
We’ve got a huge range of guests coming to present at Book Riot Live: check out the speaker page! To give you an idea of just how big the range is (and a fun reading challenge), I have lovingly prepared for you … drumroll please … the Book Riot Live Reading Challenge.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to pick a category and start exploring! Whether you want to stick close to home (and by home I mean your usual reading) or venture farther afield, there are suggestions aplenty. We’ve got six weeks to go, so (depending on how fast you read) that’s enough time to get through at least a couple of categories, right? And, bonus, some of these also qualify for the 2015 Read Harder Challenge, so you can accomplish two reading tasks with one book!
1. A story by or about someone that identifies as LGBTQIA — check out the works of:
Roberta Kaplan
Sarah McCarry
NK Jemisin
William Johnson’s recommendations
2. A book by a person whose gender is different from your own
3. A romance, check out:
Beverly Jenkins
Sarah MacLean
4. A science fiction/fantasy novel — check out:
Daniel José Older
Margaret Atwood
Myke Cole
NK Jemisin
Sally Slater
5. Watch a BookTube video:
Mark Oshiro
6. A YA novel — check out:
Brendan Kiely
Daniel José Older
Jason Reynolds
Laurie Halse Anderson
Sarah McCarry
Sona Charaipotra
7. A family saga — check out:
Jessamyn Hope
Beverly Jenkins
Laurie Halse Anderson
8. A poem — check out:
William Johnson’s recommendations
Jill McDonough
Guy Le Charles Gonzalez
9. A graphic novel — check out:
Greg Pak
Lucy Knisley
10. A webcomic — check out:
Wendy Xu
Margaret Atwood
11. A historical novel — check out:
Jessamyn Hope
Beverly Jenkins
12. A story that takes place in a country other than the U.S. — check out:
Sarah MacLean
Margaret Atwood
Jessamyn Hope
Sara Novic
13. A book for kids — check out:
Laurie Halse Anderson
anything published by Tu Books
Greg Pak
14. A nonfiction book — check out:
Roberta Kaplan
Danielle Henderson
Ryan Chapman
Peter Mendelsund
Margaret Atwood
15. Listen to a literary podcast episode — check out:
the Book Riot family of podcasts