Win a ThriftBooks gift card & a YA Book Bundle!
We’re partnering with NOVL to give away a $200 gift card to ThriftBooks PLUS a bundle of hardcovers (titles below) to one lucky winner! Simply enter the form for a chance to win.
Hardcover copies of 6 new NOVL books—gift a friend or gift yourself!
The Brothers Hawthorne by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
So Let Them Burn by Kamilah Cole
Only She Came Back by Margot Harrison
Emmett by L.C. Rosen
Phoebe’s Diary by Phoebe Wahl
How to Find a Missing Girl by Victoria Wlosok
Here’s a bit more about our partner: Join NOVL for YA exclusive sneak peeks, book box giveaways, the NOVLtea talk show, and access to FREE advance copies! Brought to you by @LittleBrownYR and home to Twilight, The Inheritance Games, Belladonna, the Novels of Elfhame, and your favorite book boyfriends, @thenovl is a community of YA fans who like their worlds fantastic, their points of view diverse, and their love triangles spicy.
This sweepstakes is open to residents of the United States (excluding Puerto Rico and all other US territories). Entries will be accepted until 11:45pm, January 31, 2024. Winner will be randomly selected. Complete rules and eligibility requirements available here.