Take the Ultimate Library Trivia Quiz and Test Your Bookish Knowledge
Are you a super fan of libraries? Were you born to be a librarian? Take The Ultimate Library Trivia Quiz and find out!
Prove your love for libraries in this 13-question challenge about all things library and information science. Maybe you’ve always been a library lover, but can you crack this quiz and prove it once and for all? Volunteer as tribute and test your library smarts go. As a freelance librarian with a Master of Library Science, I tried to craft a quiz that puts your library knowledge to the test with a range of super-specific questions and others any self-respected library fan should easily ace. And no, you shouldn’t need a textbook or library degree to do well on this one.
This trivia quiz tests how deep your librarian talent goes…both of ancient libraries and of modern ones. You’ll also be asked about famous librarians and not-so-famous librarians. The greatest hits of libraries everywhere are fair game, so you might want to brush up on your library science knowledge. You’ll find out how well you know libraries in these 13 questions that cover a range of topics, from famous librarians to famous libraries and everything in between. Find out if you’re naturally library inclined and possibly on the way to a role in libraries.
After you take the quiz, take your library love one step further and learn more about libraries here on Book Riot. Find out what exactly the Library Bill of Rights entails—and how it works to protect your freedom to read, among other crucial library guaranteed entitlements. Read about what’s next for libraries in our future-focused guide to “The Libraries of the Future: New Ways to Think About Libraries” profiles three of the world’s most innovative libraries paving the way for the field’s future. Want to further prove your library science skills? Book Riot’s quiz “How Well Do You Know the Dewey Decimal System?” should be next on your agenda! Finished the quiz and feeling a spark of curiosity about working in library science? Take a quiz to find out “What Career in Library Science Would You Love?” and discover what job in the big, wide, diverse field of library and information science you’d love. If you’re seeking all-things libraries, be sure to check out all of Book Riot’s library coverage here.
And now, without further ado, take the test and prove your library knowledge!