Giveaway: CHERRY by Nico Walker
This giveaway is sponsored by Alfred A. Knopf, publisher of Cherry by Nico Walker.
Hammered out on a typewriter, Cherry is a breakneck-paced debut novel about love, war, bank robberies, and heroin.
Cleveland, 2003. A young man falls hard in love and gets married—just before flunking out of school and joining the Army. But he’s unprepared for the grisly reality that awaits him as an Army medic. When he returns from Iraq, his PTSD is profound, and the drugs on the street have changed. Hooked on heroin, desperate for a normal life, and running low on cash, he turns to the one thing he thinks he could be really good at—robbing banks.
We have 10 copies of Cherry by Nico Walker to give away to 10 Riot readers! Just complete the form below to enter. Entries are open to residents of the United States (excluding Puerto Rico and all other U.S. territories) and will be accepted until 11:44:59 pm, June 5, 2018. Winner will be randomly selected. Complete rules and eligibility requirements available here.
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