Some of the Best #BlackHogwarts Tweets
Recently trending on Twitter is the hashtag #BlackHogwarts, where people are imagining how lit Hogwarts would be if it had an all-black student body. Here are some of the best of those Tweets:
When u black and been a harry potter fan since forever and wake up and see #BlackHogwarts trending pic.twitter.com/WsES80n9N7
— Ja'Nay (@janayloves) January 11, 2018
When they legalize magic but there are still people serving life sentences in Azkaban for magic usage. #BlackHogwarts pic.twitter.com/j2Zswmubd9
— Dear White People (@DearWhitePeople) January 11, 2018
When Hermione knocked Malfoy df out #BlackHogwarts pic.twitter.com/vMwHcpPbf1
— Biggacus Backacus Lord of Snackakus (@EianBJones) January 11, 2018
Pulling up to the Ravenclaw vs Slytherin quidditch game like #BlackHogwarts pic.twitter.com/GvBW37pu5x
— Blacktivated (@AshGoesRawr) January 11, 2018
Snape: Do you remember me telling you we are practicing non-verbal spells, Potter?
Harry: yes
Snape: Yes, SIR
Harry: there's no need to call me "sir" professor#BlackHogwarts pic.twitter.com/HtKSBQihqV
— Blacktivated (@AshGoesRawr) January 11, 2018
When professor Snape tries to skip over slavery in your history of Muggles class #BlackHogwarts pic.twitter.com/JszU1mMHrd
— Mike Honcho (@MrMarcus260) January 11, 2018
When Scabbers turned into Peter Pettigrew #BlackHogwarts pic.twitter.com/i6pfGjAI2x
— Dionne (@sashathumper_) January 11, 2018
🗣I don't care WHAT they doin at Hogwarts. You MY child! #BlackHogwarts
pic.twitter.com/FPDw6LhgSx— Talking To The Screen (@CousinsWatchTV) January 11, 2018
Them Slytherin girls✨ #BlackHogwarts pic.twitter.com/7AaSv0InKW
— Tzena (@Tzenaaa) January 11, 2018
The first look at the Quidditch team. pic.twitter.com/FJXnRuxsPh— Derek N Ga. Go Dawgs (@Geardog89) January 11, 2018
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