
7 Fancy Editions of Pride and Prejudice: Totally Subjective Opinion Edition

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I’ve gotten to the point in my reading life where I do most of my day-to-day reading digitally or via the library, but most of my physical book purchases are Very Nice To Look At editions. I walk by my shelves every single day, I might as well enjoy looking at them. This means I’ve gone down many an internet rabbit hole in search of the prettiest and fanciest (in my opinion, anyway) editions of the books I want. Here are some of my vuurrry favorite editions of Pride and Prejudice, the object of my latest search since my current ratty paperback copy started falling apart:

The Folio Society’s illustrated edition because: Folio Society, I don’t need another reason.

folio society pride and prejudice

Coralie Bickford-Smith’s Penguin edition because I’m collecting all of them. ALL OF THEM.

pride and prejudice

Barnes and Noble’s Collectible Edition because it just looks OG.

barnes and noble pride and prejudice

Penguin’s Drop Cap edition– I’m also collecting all of these, by which I mean I bought two and now feel weird about only having two letters from the middle of the alphabet so now I need them all and THAT’S HOW THEY GET YOU, plus look at the preeettyyyy…

pride and prejudice drop cap

Penguin English Library edition for those of you who prefer paperbacks, but still want a little fanciness. Also, I’ve just noticed how many of these are from Penguin. WELL PLAYED, PENGUIN.

penguin english library pride and prejudice

White’s Books Fine Editions edition. This is out of print and the publisher’s website is shut down, so I’m assuming they’re out of business now. This is a beautiful edition, but if you want it you’ll be paying out the nose at a used/rare bookshop for it.

white's p and p

Michael O’Mara’s edition. I love the simplicity of it, and hope the do all her books eventually (right now they’ve just got P&P and S&S).

michael omara p and p

If you’ve got a fancy edition of P&P that you love, let me know below!


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