
Canadian Giveaway: THE BOOKISH LIFE OF NINA HILL by Abbi Waxman

Jamie Canaves

Contributing Editor

Jamie Canavés is the Tailored Book Recommendations coordinator and Unusual Suspects mystery newsletter writer — in case you’re wondering what you do with a Liberal Arts degree. She’s never met a beach she didn’t like, always says yes to dessert, loves ‘80s nostalgia, all forms of entertainment, and can hold a conversation using only gifs. You can always talk books with her on Bluesky, Litsy, Goodreads, and her substack Multitudes Contained.

This giveaway is sponsored by Penguin Random House Canada.

The Bookish Life of Nina Hill cover imageNina Hill has her life just as she wants it: a job in a bookstore, a kick-butt trivia team, a world-class planner and a cat named Phil. When the father Nina never knew existed suddenly dies leaving behind innumerable family members, all with an interest in getting to meet Nina, she is horrified. She’ll have to speak! To strangers! The Bookish Life of Nina Hill is a charming and quirky novel about one confirmed introvert doing her best to fly under everyone’s radar.

We have 5 copies of The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman to give away to 5 Riot readers! Just complete the form below to enter. This sweepstakes is open to residents of Canada (excluding the Province of Quebec). Entries will be accepted until 11:45pm, June 4, 2019. Winner will be randomly selected from entrants who successfully completed a skill-testing question as part of their entry. Complete rules and eligibility requirements available here.

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