Goodbye Book Groups, Hello Book Groups
We’ve been hard at work figuring out how to make our Read Harder Book Groups more accessible and flexible, both for existing groups and new ones. While our current groups are pretty great (*cough HI NYC cough cough*), the demand for new groups far outstrips our ability to provide a contributor to host them, as some of you know first-hand. After a lot of thought and brainstorming we’ve decided that rather than have an official track and an unofficial one, as in the current system, we’re turning over hosting and group logistics to YOU.
That’s right! As of February 2017, book groups will no longer be managed and maintained by Book Riot contributors and staff; instead, we want it to be as easy as possible for you to have one in your area. We’re overhauling the current page to become a general resource for those who run (or want to start!) a group, with tips specifically for any-book and Read Harder Challenge-focused ones. You’ll also be able to submit your group (named whatever the heck you want!) to be listed, if it’s open to the public. And we’re launching a book-group focused newsletter that will include recommendations for group reading (including Challenge-focused picks) and publisher sponsorships for occasional goodies.
Some of our Formerly-Known-As-Read-Harder book groups will be sticking around in their current cities; some will be reorganizing or disbanding. And, we hope, many more will pop up! So here’s your step-by-step manual for joining the book group scene:
1. Download our Book Group in a Box guide.
2. Sign up for our In the Club newsletter.
3. Organize a group in your area! (Feel free to confer/collaborate with other folks in the comments on this post.)
4. Submit your group to be listed on the Book Group Resources page!
We who are about to read salute you.