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5 Graphic Novels to Watch For in September

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mooncopMooncop – Tom Gauld (Drawn & Quarterly)

I’ve been sitting on my love for Mooncop for almost a month now, and let me tell you: It hasn’t been easy. I’m a huge fan of sci fi graphic novels, and this simple story of a police officer at a lunar colony that is slowly being abandoned blew me away. I loved the simple art—it underscored the loneliness of the main character and the remoteness of the setting. It’s a sweet, emotional read that I cannot recommend highly enough. Go preorder it. Go. GOOOOOO. I’ll wait.

toil and troubleToil and Trouble – Mairghread Scott, Kelly Matthews, and Nichole Matthews (Archaia)

Stories about witches always pique my interest (come on, who doesn’t want to read about witches), so when I heard about this graphic novel reimagining the story of Macbeth from the point of view of the three witches, I knew I had to read it immediately. This story is devastating, but also beautiful. The art is gorgeous and smoothes the raw edges of the story, but it delivers its own kind of brutality. If ass-kicking ladies are your thing, don’t miss this graphic novel

angel catbirdAngel Catbird – Margaret Atwood, Johnnie Christmas, and Tamra Bonvillain (Dark Horse Comics)

I think we’ve all been waiting on this one for awhile, and now it’s finally here. Margaret Atwood’s graphic novel debut, the first in a series! Atwood’s strange and awesome writing pairs well with Christmas’ art; you don’t see the disconnect that too often occurs when a prose writer makes the leap to sequential art. This is definitely inspired by the pulp comics of Atwood’s youth, and if you enjoy your superheroes making quips right and left, you’ll love this.

longest day of the futureThe Longest Day of the Future – Lucas Varela (Fantagraphics)

I haven’t read Lucas Varela’s (an acclaimed Argentinian cartoonist) debut graphic novel yet, but you can bet I’m intrigued. This colorful work of science fiction focuses on the crash of a flying saucer in a world controlled by two ruthless corporations. What really intrigues me about this graphic novel, though, is that it’s wordless. Comics are often thought of as easier to read because of the pictures, but I find that it can actually be harder to really read and understand a comic because it stretches muscles that aren’t as accustomed to being used.

princess princess ever afterPrincess Princess Ever After – Katie O’Neill (Oni Press)

Are you tired of fairy tales with princesses who are just sitting around and waiting to be rescued? Well, Princess Princess Ever After might be your jam just as much as it’s mine then. Two princesses join forces to defeat a great foe, all while exhibiting inclusivity and diversity on every page of this comic. The fact that it’s categorized as an all-ages—and I mean all ages, not just for kids. I loved it!—comic is just icing on the cake.