10 Drool-Worthy Secret Passage Bookshelves
Your idea of the perfect house includes a secret passage bookshelf. Don’t tell me it doesn’t, you’d be a dirty liar. We compiled a round-up of 10 particularly kick-ass secret passage bookshelves at the beginning of November, and now we’re back with 10 more. So file these away for that day you become independently wealthy and can build the home of your (and my) dreams.
Peekabo. (via Book Line and Sinker)
The fact that this reminds me of a Tardis doesn’t hurt. You know, it’s bigger inside, etc., etc. (via Cococozy)
For when you have to hide your turret. (via Living Etc)
Because no one likes looking at the bathroom (via BHG)
Books hiding more books: you’re doing’ it right. (from Gast Architects)
Feels like this one should be in a sauna. (via Deforest Architects)
For your quick getaway. (via Bookshelf Porn)
Small but functional (hold the that’s what she saids, pleaseandthankyou) (via NYT)
Fancy shmancy. (via Books and Buildings)
For when Harry Potter’s aunt and uncle win the lottery and upgrade their house. (via Apartment Therapy)
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