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Join The Book Riot February #RiotGrams Bookstagram Challenge

We’ve talked a bit about Bookstagram here on Book Riot, and you probably know about our own sweet little Instagram account.

Now, we’d like to challenge the awesome readers and community of Book Rioters to take part in a month-long Instagram challenge, hosted by us. If you’ve got an Instagram account, that’s all you need to take part.

We’ve come up with 28 prompts to get you thinking about photos and books for the whole month of February. Take these as suggestions — you don’t have to be literal, though if you want to take these prompts very literally, chances are we’ll see some really fun pictures, too.

Those who take part can do every prompt, some of the prompts, or just a few that call out to you. Post your pictures with the hashtag #RiotGrams so everyone can see them in one easy place. You can post them any time of day, from anywhere in the world. If you want to take a bunch in one day, go for it. There aren’t strict rules. This is about having fun.

As a bonus, or perhaps an incentive, we’ll pick photos from the challenge to feature on our own Instagram account throughout the month. This will be a fun way to think about books, to share favorite reads, and to keep up a powerful community of readers.

We’ll post the full challenge prompt onto our Instagram, as well as leave it here for those who want to refer back. All photos, though, will happen right on Instagram with the #RiotGrams tag.

Here’s the prompt with all 28 of the challenges, and below the prompt, a few links and comments that might help with some of the prompts that might make you go “Hmm?”


Explain “Shelfie”

We’ve talked a bit about shelfies before, but the long and short of it is it’s a picture of you and your bookshelves. Too shy to put yourself in the photo? Just take a picture of your shelves (though we want to see your beautiful faces!).

Bookish Tattoos or Bookish Goods

Got a bookish tattoo? Know someone who has a great one? Snap a picture of it.

If that’s not possible, take a picture of a bookish good you have and love. Or something someone else has that you love. Or even something you wish you had. If you can give credit to the creator in your caption, bonus points!

Explain “Bookface”

Be one with the book cover. If this is too challenging or you just don’t want to, another idea for this prompt might be creating an alternative book cover for your favorite (reface that book!) or even book covers with fun/weird/cool/whatever faces on them.

Rainbow Book Stack

Pick some hues. Make a stack of books that look like a rainbow. If you prefer a more ombre approach — a rainbow of blue books or green books or purple books — go for it.

…And that should cover the questions. Have fun with this. Be creative. Interpret at will.

We’re here to make #RiotGrams a fun thing to do for February. See you there!