Mailbag Giveaway: Romance Edition
Mailbag giveaway time! We’re giving away 10 romance novels–some from our book mail, some of our personal favorites, for readers who like all heat levels– to celebrate the launch of our new romance newsletter, Kissing Books. We’ve got Daughters of a Nation: A Black Suffragette Historical Romance Anthology, Alice Clayton’s contemporary (hilarious) romance Wallbanger, Courtney Milan’s excellent STEM romance Hold Me, and more! Our resident romance expert Jess Pryde is bringing you the bi-weekly dispatch on romancelandia news, book recommendations, new release updates, and more!
Just sign up for Kissing Books to enter the giveaway by filling out the form below–if you’ve already signed up for it, go ahead and sign up again. You’ll only get one newsletter, but still be entered in the giveaway. Entries are open internationally and will be accepted until 11:59pm, Sunday, January 29th. The winner will be randomly selected.