Introducing Swords & Spaceships, Our New SF/F Newsletter!
Love genre-benders, flights of fantasy, and strange new worlds? Me too. I went straight from chapter books to the Dragonriders of Pern and Arthur C. Clarke, and basically haven’t looked back since. To help you keep up with the latest and greatest, we’re starting a new, bi-weekly dedicated newsletter; I am delighted to introduce Swords & Spaceships! We’ll be scouring the farthest reaches of the galaxy and the wilds of Fairyland to find the best book news, recommendations, and other goodies for science fiction and fantasy fans. The first installment will hit inboxes on Friday, October 7.
To celebrate, we’re giving away a selection of 10 of this summer’s best new releases in science fiction and fantasy! Enter to win by signing up for Swords & Spaceships. Fill out the form below by October 6, 2016. This is open worldwide, so if you have a mailing address located on the planet Earth, we’ll find a way to get these books to you.
May the odds be ever in your favor!