
100 Must Read Books About Women & Religion

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In Flannery O’Connor’s “Good Country People,” a young woman—capable, brilliant, and an outsider in her Southern community by virtue of these and other traits—feels pity toward a traveling Bible salesman, a fellow obviously of inferior cerebral stock, and lures him to the loft for a bit of sexual/intellectual healing.

The encounter doesn’t go quite as she plans. Her aha moment within it, one of recognition, indignation, and humiliation—”‘Give me my leg,’ she said,”—looms as one of my favorite moments in women’s religious literature. The young woman, a hopeful reformer, discovers that, despite her own hard-earned insights, she has remained blind to how little her knowledge impacts the perspectives of those never inclined to respect her in the first place. Good country people may carry booze in hollowed-out Bibles, but that trick works best if you’re a man. Double-speak, too. And religious men, confronted with their own shortcomings and hypocrisies, are not necessarily poised to extend a hand and help a gal out.

Such is the nature of women’s relationships with religions. Or: that’s part of the story. Traditions tend to be patriarchal; we must either conform or make our own way within them. Or must move outside of them. And women, when we claim religious space as our own, have adapted to, or demolished, constraints in awesome ways.

Below, you’ll find 100 titles in which women take creative, inquisitive, constructive, and critical postures toward religious traditions: those of their birth; those that belong to others, and which they encounter with an open spirit; those that they work to reform; those that they adopt. No two books are the same. All are vibrant; all hold the potential to illumine. Soil ignored, as it turns out, is poised to produce rich fruits, like these diverse women’s spiritual works, a great gift of having had to make our own way.

This celebration of women and religion is, owing to my own background, somewhat heavy on monotheistic perspectives; I would love to hear from those well-read in Eastern traditions as well. What titles would you add?



1. Miriam’s Kitchen, Elizabeth Ehrlich

2. Women Who Would Be Rabbis, Pamela Susan Nadell

3. Houses of Study: A Jewish Woman Among Books, Ilana M. Blumberg

4. House of Windows: Portraits from a Jerusalem Neighborhood, Adina Hoffman

5. The Modern Jewish Girl’s Guide to Guilt, Ruth Andrew Ellenson

6. Flying Couch, Amy Kurzweil

7. Black, White & Jewish, Rebecca Walker

8. Standing Again at Sinai, Judith Plaskow

9. Surprised By God: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Religion, Danya Ruttenberg


10. The Song of the Goddess, C. Mackenzie Brown

11. Darsan: Seeing the Divine Image in India, Diana Eck


51. The Dream of a Common Language, Adrienne Rich

52. The Little Space: Poems, Alicia Suskin Ostriker

53. Wild Iris, Louis Gluck

54. House of Light, Mary Oliver

55. Fidelity: Poems, Grace Paley


56. Like Water For Chocolate, Laura Esquivel

57. The Last Days of Dogtown, Anita Diamant

58. The Festival of San Joaquin, Zee Edgell

59. Paradise, Toni Morrison

60. In the Image, Dara Horn

61. Housekeeping, Marilynne Robinson

62. Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston

63. The Bell, Iris Murdoch

64. Purple Hibiscus, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

65. The Shawl, Cynthia Ozick

66. The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood

67. The Family Orchard, Nomi Eve

68. Happiness Like Water, Chinelo Okparanta

69. Another Brooklyn, Jacqueline Woodson

70. Three Daughters, Consuelo Saah Baehr

71. The Patron Saint of Liars, Ann Patchett

72. Washing the Dead, Michelle Brafman

73. Gardens in the Dunes, Leslie Marmon Silko

74. Everything that Rises Must Converge, Flannery O’Connor

75. Indivisible, Fanny Howe

76. Bread Givers, Anzia Yezierska

77. The Dovekeepers, Alice Hoffman

78. The God of Small Things, Arundhati Roy

79. Moss Witch, Sara Maitland

80. Good Muslim, Tahmima Anam

81. Waterlily, Ella Cara Deloria

82. Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, Jeanette Winterson

83. Mischling, Affinity Konar

84. Katya, Sandra Birdsell

85. The Girl Who Slept With God, Val Brelinski

86. The Poisonwood Bible, Barbara Kingsolver

87. One Hundred Philistine Foreskins, Tova Reich

88. The Color Purple, Alice Walker

89. Oedipus in Brooklyn, Blume Lempel

90. Glorybound, Jessie van Eerden

91. The Romance Reader, Pearl Abraham

92. Hagar’s Daughter, Pauline Elizabeth Hawkins

93. A Whistling Woman, A. S. Byatt

94. In The Language of Miracles, Rajia Hassib

95. A Theory of Expanded Love, Caitlin Hicks

96. The Lost Traveller, Antonia White

97. God on a Harley, Joan Brady

98. South of Everything, Audrey Taylor Gonzalez

99. Pope Joan, Donna Woolfolk Cross

100. Coming of Age at the End of Days, Alice LaPlante