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The Book Riot Podcast, Episode #105: Not Without Genre

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Jeff O'Neal

CEO and co-founder

Jeff O'Neal is the executive editor of Book Riot and Panels. He also co-hosts The Book Riot Podcast. Follow him on Twitter: @thejeffoneal.


The Book Riot Podcast, Episode #105: Not Without Genre

This week, Jeff and Rebecca talk book gluts, sci-fi awards, romance sales, the McSweeney’s kickstarter, Macmillan tries bundling, new books, and much more. This epsiode is sponsored by Scribd, Audible, THE NOVICE by Taran Matharu, and INVINCIBLE by Amy Reed.

Editor’s note: While discussing The Novice, Rebecca incorrectly attributed it to Hachette. It is being published by Feiwel & Friends, a Macmillan imprint.


You can subscribe to the podcast in iTunes (click here) or via RSS (link here). You can also download a free dedicated app for iOS or for Android.

Links discussed in the show:


Book Riot Live programming teaser 

Follow-up: FirstBook bringing 60K children’s books w/ diverse voices

Station Eleven wins Arthur C. Clarke award

Shirley Jackson Award nominees

Obama’s eight favorite books

United Airlines launches literary magazine only available in first class

Iceland’s book glut

Kickstarter drops Amazon payments

Berkeley scholars uncover Twain stories

Tor/Macmillan join BitLit
McSweeney’s launches $150K Kickstarter 

New books discussed in the show:

Re Jane by Patricia Park

The World Between Two Covers by Ann Morgan



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