The Book Riot Podcast, #69: Here Is Your Bounty of Goods
The Book Riot Podcast, #69: Here Is Your Bounty of Goods
This week, Rebecca and guest host Paul Montgomery discuss a new grant that gives writers time to read, diversity in comics publishing, a library’s plan to better serve homeless patrons, and more. This episode is sponsored by Audible, I Want It That Way by Ann Aguirre, and Matched by Ally Condie.
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Links discussed in the show:
Booker Prize winner Eleanor Catton creates grant giving writers time to read
LeVar Burton to publish first children’s book
Lois Lane to appear in Fallout, her own YA novel
Washington D.C. library hires social worker to facilitate services for homeless patrons
Gene Luen Yang delivers speech about comics and diversity at National Book Festival
The We Read Too app helps readers find children’s and YA books by and about people of color
New Books!
Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy by Karen Abbott
The Mercenary Sea, Volume 1 by Kel Symons and Mathew Reynolds
The Dark Path by David Schickler
Paddle Your Own Canoe by Nick Offerman