The Book Riot Podcast, Episode #63: Lab Rats with Existential Problems
The Book Riot Podcast, Episode #63: Lab Rats with Existential Problems
This week, Jeff and Rebecca talk about the 50 Shades of Grey trailer, HarperCollins dips its toe into print/digital bundling, another Amazon overture to Hachette authors, the reading habits of extreme romance readers, new books, and more. This week’s episdoe is sponsored by Squarespace and TryAudioBooks.com.
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Links discussed in the show:
HarperCollins announces pilot program w/ BitLit
HarperCollins survey on preferences of romance super-readers
More on the decline of Harper Lee
Amazon’s new proposal to authors
Edan Lepucki appears on Colbert, pays it forward w/ recommendation
Kickstarter for Litographs temporary literary tattoos
New books discussed in the show: Words and Comics by Brian Michael Bendis
Saga #21 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth by Col. Chris Hadfield ____________________________
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