What Are Your Favorite Books of 2012?
Best Of lists tend to be one-way streets–publications declare the books they loved, and they leave it at that. Here at Book Riot HQ, we’re hard at work on our monster list of the best books of 2012, and we can’t wait to share it with you, but we want to hear from you too!
What are your favorite books of 2012?
The ONLY rule is that these must be books originally published in 2012. We know from our survey of your all-time favorite novels that you’re a diverse bunch, and we want to celebrate that. So there are no genre restrictions. No age or audience restrictions (if the best books you read are kidlit or YA, bring it!). No authors or publishers campaigning for your votes. This is all about you.
So go stare at your bookshelves, scroll through your ereader, and review your library records. Flip back through your reading journal or your blog or your memory. Identify your 3 best books of 2012, and fill out the form below. We’ll leave it open for the next week and share the results with you in time for you to add a few to your holiday wishlist.
Here we go!