
Writer’s Clock Giveaway!

Few of the items we’ve shared in Book Fetish or featured on our Facebook page have received quite as many, “Must. Have. That.” responses as this writer’s clock, so we knew it was fate when we bumped into creator Linda Rohrbough at Book Expo.

Whether you’re a writer of books, blog posts, both, or everything in between, you can probably identify with the cycle the clock presents. And you probably want one, huh? Here’s your chance!

Share your favorite quotation about writing/the writer’s life in the form below to enter. We’ll feature the best submissions in another post later this week and will randomly select one participant to receive the clock. Entries must be received by 11:59pm Eastern, Wednesday, June 20th to be eligible.

I’ll start. “Write drunk; edit sober.” (Hemingway. Who else?)

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