
The Time Traveler’s Wife vs. 11/22/63: Comparing Back-In-Timeness

Stephen King’s new time-travel novel 11/22/63 is an enormous hit! It has an average of 4.33 out of 5 stars on Goodreads and it was #23 on USA Today’s Bestsellers of 2011 list, despite being out for just seven weeks. I just finished it myself and I absolutely dug it! But how does it measure up in terms of its back-in-timeness when compared to the most-loved time-travel novel of the last 10 years or so, Audrey Niffenegger’s The Time Traveler’s Wife? Let’s take a look.

And the winner is: The Time Traveler’s Wife, by a nose!

Agree or disagree?


Greg Zimmerman is a trade magazine editor and blogs about contemporary literary fiction at The New Dork Review of Books. Follow him on Twitter: @NewDorkReview.