Win $100 to Spend at Barnes & Noble!
Fall reading season is in full-swing, and there are a TON of interesting new books lining store shelves, both physical and virtual.
We have a $100 digital giftcard to Barnes & Noble to give away to help you grab everything you want to read. To enter, just fill out the form below, including signing up for at least one of our many bookish newsletters. There is something for anybody–and if you don’t enjoy getting them, unsubscribing is a snap.
(You might also enjoy this special episode of our All the Books! podcast that highlights the books we are most looking forward to this season.)
To help you choose your newsletter, here is a brief rundown of your choices:
The Riot Rundown (3x a week)
New Books! (1x a week)
Every Tuesday, our resident velocireader Liberty Hardy tells you what books coming out that week should be on your radar. It’s a TBR-buster, and it hurts so good.
Book Riot Deals (daily-ish)
Audiobooks! (twice a month)
Love audiobooks? We do too. This newsletter brings you news, recommendations, excerpts and a bunch more stuff to keep your audiobook listening the best it can be.
This Week in Books (weekly)
Get the scoop on the latest literary news, all summed up and put into context. It’s the easiest way to keep up with the reading world without…well…really trying all that hard.
The Stack (weekly)
This is the Riot Rundown from above, but for our sister site Panels, which is all about comics and graphic novels. Whether you’re new to comics or can name five different Robins, Panels has something for you.
What’s Up in YA? (2x a month)
News about the YA world delivered as an every-other-week newsletter. Style, sass, and love for all things YA delivered every other Monday.
Book Riot Store (1x a week)
Did you know that we have our own online store just plum full of cool bookish stuff? Well, we do. If you want to hear about new products and promotions, we have an email list just for that.
Book Riot Events (2x a month)
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Book Riot Promotions (weeklyish)
Find out about special offers (like this giveaway for example), new products, and just generally interesting stuff from Book Riot and our advertising partners. Giveaways, new books, bookish services, and a whole bunch more.
Book Riot Giveaways (2-3x a week)
We giveaway a whole bunch of stuff every week, from books to giftcards to cool bookish stuff. Make sure you don’t miss any chance to throw your hat in the ring with our dedicated newsletter that notifies every time we post a new giveaway.
Swords and Spaceships (2x a month)
News and recommendations from the worlds of science fiction and fantasy delivered every-other-week.
Made your pick(s)? Ok, here’s the form. Please just one entry per email address. Entries will be open until September 19th at 11:59pm Eastern. Good luck!