Riot Headline Book Riot’s 2025 Read Harder Challenge

Win $100 to Spend on Amazon

Jeff O'Neal

CEO and co-founder

Jeff O'Neal is the executive editor of Book Riot and Panels. He also co-hosts The Book Riot Podcast. Follow him on Twitter: @thejeffoneal.

Alright, folks we’ve got a $100 Amazon gift card to giveaway. Want to buy a whole mess of paperbacks for the beach? Graphic novels for a road trip? Make a dent in that wish list?

For a chance to win, you only need to do two things: enter your email address and just consider signing up for one of our newsletters.

Here are your newsletter choices:

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Ok, pitch over. Here’s the entry form, and thanks so much for reading Book Riot. (Limit one entry per email address. Entries close June 23rd at 11:59pm Eastern.)