
Will You Be Deleting Your Goodreads Account?

Rebecca Joines Schinsky

Chief of Staff

Rebecca Joines Schinsky is the Chief of Staff for Riot New Media Group and a co-host of the Book Riot Podcast. She can be reached at

The bookish internet has been aflutter since yesterday’s announcement that Amazon has acquired Goodreads. If or how this will change the user experience at Goodreads has yet to be revealed, but fear of Big Data, the Big A, and the future of indie bookstores has plenty readers threatening to cancel their accounts.

So we want to know: do you care about this acquisition? Do you care enough to cancel your Goodreads account? Spill it in the totally anonymous poll below. We’re interested!

And if you’re looking for alternatives before making up your mind, here’s our two-part comparison of Goodreads versus LibraryThing: part one, part two.

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