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Comics/Graphic Novels

What’s On Your Pull List? March 16, 2016

Ali Colluccio

Staff Writer

Ali Colluccio enjoys comics, cocktails, and curling. She lives in Brooklyn with her adorably blind kitten, Minerva, and tweets with reckless abandon at @WonderAli.

Every week, a different Panelteer will give you a rundown of the comics they’re most looking forward to. Floppies, trades and omniboo are all fair game here. This week, Ali tells us what’s on her pull list.

So. *chumps on carrot* What’s on your pull list, doc?

Rat Queens #15 by Kurtis J. Wiebe, Tess Fowler, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Brisson (Image/Shadowline)

Rat-Queens-15RAT QUEEEEEEEEENS!! I love this comic, and I LOVE that Tess Fowler and Tamra Bonvillain on are art duties. Issue 15 is the big climax to this latest arc, which has been a bit darker than the shiny and lewd Sass and Sorcery storyline. I’m not gonna lie, the crack in the shield on the cover has me worried for my team of ladies. I feel like the band might get broken up and I am EMOTIONALLY COMPROMISED ALREADY.

Jonesy #2 by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Mickey Quinn, and Corey Breen (BOOM! Box)
Jonesy-2Imagine if Scott Pilgrim was about a teenage cupid trying to navigate the dangerous waters of high school politics. That’s Jonesy, and it could not be more in my wheelhouse. I love the manga-infused, high energy of the book. I love Jonesy and how brilliantly young and flawed she is. I love that there’s not-remotely-traditional romance. I love this comic, guys.

James Bond #5 by Warren Ellis, Jason Masters, and Guy Major (Dynamite)

James-Bond-5It’ll be James Bond #1-5 if I’m being honest because I had no idea this was a comic that was happening right now. But I love James Bond and I dig Warren Ellis so this is kind of a no-brainer.

Power Man and Iron Fist #2 by David Walker, Sanford Greene, and Lee Loughridge (Marvel)
Power-Man-Iron-Fist-2There’s no real reason for this comic to remind me of Unbeatable Squirrel Girl or Hellcat AKA Patsy Walker, but it does. It’s superhero BFF at its finest and it’s a joy to read. Also, THE ART IN THIS BOOK YOU GUYS!!

Black Canary #9 by Brendan Fletcher, Annie Wu, and Lee Loughridge (DC Comics)

Black-Canary-9Again, THE ART IN THIS BOOK YOU GUYS!! I love how this comic doesn’t look or feel like anything else on the shelves. It’s just so damn cool. And this month we get a Black Canary-Batgirl team up! Brendan Fletcher has quietly created these really fantastic corners of Gotham City in his comics, and I love that even with Dinah on the road we still get to see bits of Gotham Academy and Burnside.

Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl (Trade Paperback) by Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie, Matt Wilson, and Clayton Cowles
Phonogram-Immaterial-Girl-TPBShame on you if you thought I could get through a Pull List article without mentioning Phonogram. Magic, music, split personalities, zines, and all of the best 1980s music videos from my absolute favorite creative team in comics.