What’s On Your Pull List?: August 5, 2015
My dear comic friends, forgive me. Because by the time this post runs, I will not have been to my LCS in almost a month. I KNOW. It’s terrible. But somehow July got crazy, and sometimes my work schedule conflicts with their open hours, and [insert lots of other excuses here]. Which means I’m gonna have a whopper of a pull list to pick up!
Or at least, a whopper for me. After June, I decided to ditch everything Secret Wars-related, with the exception of Ms. Marvel and Infinity Gauntlet — I’m planning on trying to read everything else in trades if possible, or just borrow my friends’ copies, because talk about information overload. Which leaves me with ….
Lumberjanes #16 by Noelle Stevenson, Shannon Watters, Brooke Allen, Maarta Laiho, and Aubrey Aiese
If there are not actual mermaids in the issue I will lose my mind, BECAUSE THIS COVER IS MY EVERYTHING. I’m trying hard not to count down too much to Stevenson’s departure from Lumberjanes, but it’s hard not to have it in my head. Let’s focus on the positive — we still have #17, and the continuing mystery of Abigail, and I have a lot of faith that the team will continue to deliver amazing hijinks. Also for the record I am still dying to know who Jo is.
Jem and The Holograms #5 by Kelly Thompson, Sophie Campbell, M. Victoria Robado, and Shawn Lee
Can we talk for a second about this cover?? Because I am So Here for an actual Holograms v. Misfits food fight. And otherwise it’s an excellent visual metaphor. But I really want a real food fight. And also to know WHAT HAPPENS after the cliff-hanger in #4, because that was some serious drama.
Wayward #10 by Jim Zub, Steve Cummings, and Tamra Bonvillain
If you are not reading Wayward yet, this is NOT the place to start — but it is the end of the second arc, which means a trade should be coming forthwith! And this second arc has been amazing. I wasn’t sure how I felt about the introduction of a new main character, but the way that Zub and Cummings have pulled it all together is highly satisfying. The essays on Japanese mythology at the end of each issue continue to be great, and the world just keeps getting more and more interesting. (Not to mention more terrifying, because OMG spider monsters.)
Ms. Marvel #17 by G. Willow Wilson and Adrian Alphona
I just. Do I need to tell you how excited (and nervous) I am for this issue? That! Is! Carol! Danvers! It’s the dream team, the uber-duo, the be all and end all of superhero match-up possibilities. Ok maybe not the be all and end all, Storm would have to be involved for that. But this comes PRETTY CLOSE and I will take it. What is going to happen to Captain and Ms. in the epic battle for New York?? Will I be able to stand the wait to find out?!??! ALKa;lskdjfaslghepoiahg;alskbasl;dkgjasdkjfhpeiwate;laskgjasvas!