What’s On Your Bookish Holiday Wish List?
Tis the season of “Give a, give a, give a, give a Garmin,” “Every kiss begins with Kay,” and a whole host of crazy-making but unshakeable holiday jingles. And with them come the endless “What do you want for [your holiday of choice here]?” queries. My younger self would’ve been ready for this. She’d have been working on a list since mid-June, just waiting for Black Friday to show up and make it socially acceptable to start making demands. My present-day, almost-30-year-old self doesn’t know where to begin.
Wait. That’s a lie. I do know where to begin, and it’s with, “Buy me anything but books.” I have more books than I know what to do with (a good problem, certainly) and no more flat surfaces in my house on which to store them. So, books are out. But I could totally use some bookish peripherals. Like an awesome reading light, or an Out of Print t-shirt, or–I know!–a time turner to make reading time more of a regular thing in my day-to-day. Let’s get on that!
I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. I love being a reader, and I love that the people in my life know me as one and want to give me bookish gifts. I just wish I knew what to ask for! I’m turning to you, dear readers, to help me write a grown-up Christmas list. What bookish stuff that’s not actually books is rocking your world lately? What literary goodies will you be giving and/or hoping to receive this holiday season? What awesome readerly peripherals do you recommend?