What’s in Panels’ Mailbag?: September 3, 2015
It’s finally arrived — Panels is on YouTube! I’ve been doing some videos over on Book Riot’s YouTube channel, but now it’s little ol’ Panels turn in the sun. If you haven’t seen any of my videos before, let’s just say you can come for the big hair and (hopefully) stay for the quirkiness!
Each week, I’m going to talk about a few comics that have come into Panels’ mailbag that look awesome. Video is such a great way to talk about comics, and especially to show how gorgeous and well-crafted some of these book are, as well as to showcase the art.
You can follow us on YouTube, if you so desire.
Comics mentioned in this video:
Killing and Dying – Adrian Tomine
DC Comics Bombshells #2 by Marguerite Bennett, Laura Braga, Stephen Mooney, Bilquis Evely, Ant Lucia