
We Practice Charity: The Recipient

Rebecca Joines Schinsky

Chief of Staff

Rebecca Joines Schinsky is the Chief of Staff for Riot New Media Group and a co-host of the Book Riot Podcast. She can be reached at

GWN_LogoAt Book Riot, we’ve built charity into our DNA. We donate 2% of all revenue to charity–no funny math, just total revenue x .02–and we invite our community to participate. Earlier this year, we asked you to nominate and vote on your favorite organizations to be our 2013 charitable partner.

We are thrilled to announce today that Girls Write Now won the vote and will be receiving our donation of 2% of all 2013 revenue. We’ll also be finding other creative ways to work with them throughout the year and to share their work with you. Check out the info below, and visit their website to donate and get involved.

Distinguished as one of the top 15 after-school arts and culture programs in the nation by The President’s Committee on Arts & Humanities, Girls Write Now (GWN) is New York’s first and only organization with a writing and mentoring model exclusively for girls. From young women exploring writing to seasoned professionals practicing their craft every day, GWN is a community of women writers dedicated to providing the guidance, support and opportunities for high school girls to develop their creative, independent voices, and write their way to a better future. Over the past 15 years, more than 4,500 underserved and marginalized teen girls (90% girls of color, 90% high-need, and 20% immigrants) have benefitted from the GWN community, and 100% of seniors in our flagship mentoring program go on to college—bringing with them portfolios, awards, scholarships, new skills, and a sense of confidence. Since 1998, Girls Write Now has built a record of achievement and innovation recognized twice by the White House, by The New York Times, the MacArthur Foundation, and the hundreds of Scholastic Art & Writing awards our girls have earned.