Vote Now: Guarantee an Author’s Inclusion in START HERE, Vol. 2
Our START HERE book project grew out of the recognition that every reader has one author–and in some cases, many authors–they haven’t read because they don’t know where to start. Some writers are so prolific, and the choices so overwhelming, that it can seem easier to not read them than to try to find a good point of entry. And sometimes, authors’ work is intimidating, and readers are just plain scared. It happens to the best of us.
Like the first book in our START HERE series, START HERE, Vol. 2 will have 25 chapters, and each will provide a 3- or 4-book sequence for discovering a different author’s work. It’s important to us to cover a wide range of authors and meet as many readers’ requests as we can. Authors we know will be covered include: Jennifer Egan, William Faulkner, Anne Carson, Ursula K. LeGuin, David Mitchell, Toni Morrison, Alan Moore, John Green, and Philip Roth.
START HERE, Vol. 2 backers and Book Riot editors will determine how to fill most of the remaining spots, but you readers have total control over one. Vote in the poll below for the one author you most want to see covered in START HERE. The poll is open through 11:59 pm Eastern next Friday, May 24, 2013.
And remember–START HERE, Vol. 2 won’t happen unless we hit our $2oK funding goal on Kickstarter. So back it, share it, and shout it out. We can’t do it without you!
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