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Trailer Rundown: INSURGENT

Kristina Pino

Staff Writer

Teacher, Avid Traveler, Life-long Reader, Beer Guzzler, Jigsaw Puzzle Lover, Disney Mega-fan, and other Fancy Titles can be used to describe Kristina. She spends her time blogging, tweeting, vlogging, podcasting, and making puzzles when she isn’t out having an adventure, cozied up with a book, or responding to the Bat Signal. She’s from sunny, tropical South Florida. Her life is pretty awesome right now. Blog: GeekeryDo Twitter: GeekeryDo


As someone who has only just recently watched Divergent and hasn’t ever read the books, I thought I’d share my thoughts on what I got out of watching the newly-released trailer for the second installment of the series, Insurgent. Got your player ready? Go!

0:03 – First shot is of a box that looks like it was made from burned and spray-painted circuit boards. Mysterious!

0:07 – OH NO SHE’S BACK ugh I hate her what a JERK.

0:14 – Now that is a nice hair cut.

0:20 – Well, it should be pretty obvious who is going to open the box.

0:25 – Another jerk! Man, I hated that dude in Divergent.

0:35 – Is it just me or does it look like Caleb is the one being shot even though Tris is pointing her weapon in the opposite direction?

0:39 – Was that necessary? Couldn’t he just have… waited? For the train to pass?

0:48 – Okay, Factionless. Are these the scary people the walled-in folk are defending themselves from? Was it them, or wild animals, or what? I can’t remember.

0:55 – With our powers combined…


1:07 – Wait, what? How? What?!

1:18 – That’s right, Four. Beat. His. Ass. Down.

1:21 – Duh.

1:25 – Seriously, what? Didn’t she bite it? What’s going on?

1:32 – Woman… we know. We. Know.

1:38 – Another face I recognize and I guess is on the wrong side of history in this movie. I hope he gets his butt whooped.

1:43 – Man, this series really likes… plugging people into things.

1:52 – Missed opportunity to turn this into a Tris vs Shadow Tris battle scene.

1:53 – Cue some intense music.

1:57 – Is that a piercing on her.. back? Ow, much?

2:08 – Sick beats and shattering glass! Anyway, the jerk lady dropped her iPad so that must be a really bad thing. Like, did Tris, once again, defy the logic of her system? NO WAY.

In all seriousness, I don’t really understand what’s going on. The first film concerned the weeding out of Divergents because they posed a threat to the “solidarity” of that particular society. That much, I get. In this one, it looks like Divergents are being hunted for a different reason, not straight up testing and not straight up exterminating, just trying to use them like old keys to figure out how to open a box. But the trailer never comes back to the box after that initial look and brief reference to opening it. And then Tris is tied up to a bunch of tubes and the box is still forgotten, even though earlier we saw some poor soul being disintegrated by those same tubes.

I guess people are angry? With a title like Insurgent, I just think rah-rah-fight-the-authori-TAY. And that’s kind of good enough for me when it comes to action flicks in general. I just wish Tris had a little more… I dunno. More. It irks me how calm and emotionless she is like 90% of the time.



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