The First Official Trailer For Marvel’s Inhumans Has Arrived and I am Officially Excited
c. Marvel Comics
When Marvel announced an Inhumans television series to air on ABC, I was… well, very not excited. While I’ve enjoyed the majority of the Marvel/Netflix collaborations quite a lot (glaring at you Iron Fist, which I still haven’t finished because no. Just… no), the Marvel/ABC projects haven’t rated as highly in my personal ranking system; Agents of SHIELD lost me halfway through the first season (no easy task since I’m a Coulson fangirl, and I have heard it’s been pretty stellar since but haven’t had time to catch up) and Agent Carter sent Peggy down the love triangle tunnel of doom and then failed to renew.
While I adore the concept of the Inhumans, and while there have been some great Inhumans comic books over the years (and also some that weren’t so good), I had some concerns about the more family-oriented side of the Mouse’s Empire doing justice to storylines which tend to be blood-saturated and very direct about hatred being leveled at the Other simply because they are Other. Though the ABC version of the Inhumans universe appears markedly less brutal than the comics, the core of the Inhuman’s story, their “otherness,” their cautious distance from humanity, and the havoc wreaked by their appearance due to humanity’s tendency toward close-minded xenophobia, is intact (and a very, very appropriate examination of the times in which we find ourselves living). It also seems the major plot points, if not the smaller details, of the first season’s arc are pulled from Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee’s Marvel Knights: Inhumans, which is rich and gorgeous, honest and sometimes savage; it is widely regarded to be one of the best Inhuman‘s stories out there (even my DC-dedicated husband adores it) and knowing it was the foundation for the project definitely helped earn my new, almost-wholly optimistic, outlook on the show.
The acting looks pretty solid, at least the glimpses we get in the trailer: Maximus (Iwan Rheon) is appropriately sinister, Medusa (Serinda Swan) perfectly stately, and Blackbolt (Anson Mount) appears to have the gravitas to pull off a character who communicates primarily through facial expression though the moment that really sold me on his performance is the one in which he’s being attacked and gasps involuntarily… well, if you haven’t seen it, scroll down and watch. I promise you’ll be duly impressed.
We don’t see enough of the other members of the royal family action for me to make a call yet, but I have high hopes I didn’t have a couple of hours ago.
Finally, but certainly not least, we’re treated to a finished version of Lockjaw.
We all know he’s the real star.
c. Marvel Comics
My only quibble remains Medusa’s costuming. Her hair is way too static for something that’s essentially an entity unto itself and I don’t know what’s going on with her dress but it’s weird and it doesn’t look like it fits properly. Those two very nitpicky, very minor details aside, I’m all in. And, quite frankly, if those end up being my only quibbles, I think it’s finally safe to get excited about Inhumans.
If you haven’t had a chance to watch the trailer yet:
The first two episodes of Marvel’s Inhumans will premiere in theaters in IMAX September 1st, 2017; they will run for two weeks. The television premiere will be September 29th, 2017 from 2000-2200, when those same episodes will run back to back.