
The Book Riot Podcast #136: The Hole in Your Flaw

Jeff O'Neal

CEO and co-founder

Jeff O'Neal is the executive editor of Book Riot and Panels. He also co-hosts The Book Riot Podcast. Follow him on Twitter: @thejeffoneal.

The Book Riot Podcast #136: The Hole in Your Flaw

This week, Rebecca and Jeff talk about the NYT 100 Notable Books of 2015, a Muppets book banning, signed copies of GO SET A WATCHMAN, Oprah’s imprint, and much more. This episode is sponsored by Squarespace.

Links discussed in this show:

Wager update: Grey outsold GSaW

HarperCollins selling signed copies of GSaW for $1500

Shout-out to Largehearted Boy’s aggregation of Best Of lists

Oprah to start imprint


Wally Lamb’s next book to be released exclusively as an app

Russia’s marathon reading of War & Peace complete with astronauts

Wisconsin school board member wants Muppets book removed for “graphic” content


NYT’s 100 notable books

Goodreads Choice Awards winners

Translation of We Should all Be Feminists given to ever 16-year-old in Sweden

Proposed internet error message re: censorship to be named after Fahrenheit 451