Bookish Events

Riot Reading Days–Celebrate a Bookish Holiday With Us!



Always books. Never boring.

When the release date for Toni Morrison’s new novel Home was announced, a few of us here at Book Riot declared that we will be taking the day off to celebrate. We’ll start the day with our noses pressed against the windows of our favorite bookstores, waiting for the doors to open so we can take a deep whiff of that glorious new book smell, then we’ll run off to our favorite spots and spend the day curled up with a book we’ve been looking forward to for months. It’s going to be awesome and nerdy and we want you to join us!

We’re declaring May 8th “Toni Morrison Day” and the first official Riot Reading Day. “First” because we’re going to do this several times a year–pick a release we can’t wait to get our hands on, plan a bunch of content around it, and invite you to have a holiday with us. Heck, we’ll even write you an excuse note for work! Each Riot Reading Day will look different and will be tailored to the book and author we’re celebrating, and the selections will be as diverse as the writers and readers who make up our community.

In preparation for Toni Morrison Day, Rebecca is re-reading Morrison’s entire backlist, from The Bluest Eye to A Mercy, and will be blogging her way through it here. She’d love some company if you want to do it too! We’re also planning giveaways, guest posts, a Review GPA for Home, a hashtag (#tonimorrisonday), and much more. If you’ve ever dreamed of calling in with a case of the can’t-stop-readings, get out your favorite marker, put a circle around May 8 on your calendar, and take the day off to read with the Riot.